
Folklor Indonesia

Folklor Indonesia dapat digambarkan sebagai seni, sastra, pengetahuan, dan praktek-praktek tradisional yang diwariskan sebagian besar melalui komunikasi lisan dan contoh

Indonesian Folklore can be described as traditional art, literature, knowledge, and practices that are passed on in large part through oral communication and example. >>Read More

Fabel Indonesia adalah cerita fiksi, dalam bentuk prosa atau sajak tentang hewan, makhluk mitos, tanaman, benda mati, atau kekuatan alam yang memiliki sifat manusia, seperti komunikasi verbal yang menggambarkan pelajaran moral.

Indonesian Fables are fictional stories, in prose or verse, that features animals, mythical creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that are given human qualities, such as verbal communication that illustrates or leads to an interpretation of a moral lesson.

Mouse Deer and Tiger (Kancil dan Harimau)
Long Time ago in a jungle of Java, a tiger was wandering around for food. He hadn't been eating for days. He was really hungry! While he was approaching a small lake, he saw Mouse Deer drinking. The tiger wanted to eat him.
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Sigarlaki and Limbat (Sigarlaki dan Limbat)
A long time ago in Tondonao, there lived a great hunter. His name was Sigarlaki. He was very skillful with his spear. He used his spear to hunt animals in the jungle. He was a very famous hunter. Every time he hunts in the jungle, he always went home with some animals.
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Siranggir the Cow (Siranggir sang Sapi)
Siranggir was a cow. She had some children. Every day they went to a field to eat some grass with their owner, Aji Tonggal. He was a young man and he loved his cows very much. He even could talk with them.
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Manik Angkerang
A long time ago, lived a very rich family in Bali. The father was Sidi Mantra. He was very famous for his supernatural power. He lived happily with his wife and his only child Manik Angkeran. Manik Angkeran was a spoiled son. He also had a bad habit. He liked to gamble.
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Lutung kasarung
PRABU Tapa Agung adalah seorang raja tua. Dia memiliki dua orang anak perempuan, Purbararang dan Purbasari. Prabu Tapa Agung berencana untuk berhenti menjadi raja. Dia ingin Purbasari untuk menggantikannya sebagai pemimpin kerajaan. Mendengar ini, Purbararang marah.
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A Farmer and a Hedgehog Statue (Sang Petani dan Patung Landak)
IT was a very hot day. A farmer was working on his field. He was there for several hours. He was very tired and wanted to get some rest. Just before he found a nice place to rest, he saw something very shiny.
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The Golden Antelope (Antelop Emas)
There was an old and poor man lived alone in the jungle. His wife passed away years ago and he did not have any children. Every day he collected some woods and sold them in the village.
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The Stupid Dog (Anjing yang Bodoh)
Deer have horns, right? But a long time ago, the deer did not have horns. Instead, dogs had horns. How did the deer get the horns?
Here is the story.
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The Legend of Surabaya (Legenda Surabaya)
PADA jaman dahulu kala di Jawa Timur ada dua ekor binatang yang kuat, Sura dan Baya. Sura adalah hiu dan Baya adalah buaya. Mereka tinggal di laut. Sebenarnya mereka berteman. Tapi ketika mereka lapar, mereka sangat serakah. 
A Story from Roti Island (Cerita dari Pulau Roti)
Once upon a time, a grandmother and her granddaughter lived in Roti Island, Nusa Tenggara Timur. They had a field and grew some vegetables. The grandmother sold them at the market.
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Ki Semar and Slamet Mountain (Ki Semar dan Gunung Slamet)
A long time ago, Slamet Mountain was very high. It was so high that it could reach the sky. The people heard that they could take the stars if they were on top of the mountain. But no one dared to go there.
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The Baruklinting Dragon Baruklinting Sang Naga)
A long time ago, there was a giant dragon. His name was Baruklinting. One day, one of the gods asked him to take nine shepherds as an offering for the gods.
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Do you know why the roofs of houses in West Sumatra have the shape of buffalo horns? Here is the story. Once upon a time there was a kingdom in West Sumatra. The people worked as farmers. Their lives were full of happiness. The land was fertile and the weather was always beautiful.
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