Playing Kite

Whispers of the Wind: A Tale of Faith and Flight

Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled between rolling hills and lush fields, there lived a little girl named Raya. She was known for her adventurous spirit and boundless curiosity. Her father, Pak Luhur, was a skilled craftsman with a heart full of stories and hands that could create wonders. One of their favorite pastimes was flying kites together, a tradition that had been passed down through generations.

One bright and breezy afternoon, Pak Luhur decided to make a special kite for Raya. He carefully selected bamboo for the frame and vibrant, colorful paper for the body. With each precise cut and meticulous fold, he poured his love and craftsmanship into the creation. Raya watched in awe as the kite took shape, its tail adorned with delicate ribbons that fluttered in the gentle wind.

The day finally came to test their creation. Raya and Pak Luhur walked to a vast, open field at the edge of the village, where the sky seemed to stretch endlessly. The wind was playful, teasing the edges of the kite as if inviting it to dance among the clouds. With a shared look of excitement, they launched the kite into the sky. It soared gracefully, higher and higher, until it was just a speck against the azure expanse.

However, as the afternoon wore on, the wind began to die down. The kite wavered and threatened to fall, but Pak Luhur had a special trick up his sleeve. He knelt down beside Raya and whispered, "Watch and listen, my dear. Sometimes, when the wind sleeps, you have to call it back."

With that, Pak Luhur let out a long, melodious whistle. To Raya's amazement, a gentle breeze began to stir, growing stronger with each passing moment. The kite responded, rising higher and catching the renewed wind. Raya's eyes widened with wonder as the kite danced and twirled in the sky, shimmering in the late afternoon sunlight.

Pak Luhur smiled and said, "The wind is a friend to those who know how to speak its language. Sometimes, all it takes is a little faith and a gentle call."

Years passed, and Raya grew up, but the memory of those kite-flying days with her father remained etched in her heart. Whenever she felt the need for guidance or a reminder of her father's wisdom, she would whistle softly, just as he had taught her. The wind would answer, and she would feel his presence, guiding her steps and lifting her spirit.

And so, in that small village, the story of Raya and her father's magical kite became a cherished folklore, passed down from generation to generation. It reminded everyone that even in moments of stillness and uncertainty, a gentle call and a heart full of faith could summon the wind and lift their spirits high.

Moral Message:

The tale of Raya and her father's kite teaches us that patience, faith, and gentle effort can help us navigate through moments of stillness and uncertainty. By believing in ourselves and reaching out with love and intention, we can find the strength to rise above challenges and soar to new heights.

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Horse (Equine) Art, Pencil on Paper Collection