Dodo and Elephant Bird

Whispers of the Forgotten: Messages from a Dodo and an Elephant Bird

A vast, ancient forest, vibrant with life. Towering trees stretch to the sky, and gentle beams of sunlight filter through the leaves, casting soft, dappled light across the forest floor. The distant sounds of flowing water and rustling leaves create a peaceful atmosphere. The dodo bird skips playfully through the underbrush, while the elephant bird walks gracefully beside it, each step purposeful.

Dodo: (cheerfully) Ah, look at this! Doesn't the world feel so full of life today? I can almost hear the old songs of the forest. Remember when we used to dance through the trees like this?

Elephant Bird: (softly, with a hint of sadness) Yes, I remember… but something about today feels different. Don’t you feel it?

Dodo: (laughing) Different? How so? The sun still feels warm, the leaves still rustle the same way. Maybe you're just overthinking again. You always do that!

Elephant Bird: (pausing, thoughtful) Perhaps. But I can't help but notice... there are no other creatures around. Not like it used to be.

The dodo tilts its head in curiosity, looking around as if realizing the silence for the first time. The forest, though alive, feels oddly empty. They continue their walk, the dodo hopping along the path while the elephant bird walks quietly beside it.

Dodo: (playfully) Well, maybe everyone’s just taking a nap! Or maybe we’re the lucky ones—getting the whole place to ourselves! (laughs)

Elephant Bird: (gazing ahead, deep in thought) Do you ever wonder… why we were left behind? Why it feels like everything has faded but us?

Dodo: (pausing) Left behind? What do you mean? We're still here. We’re still alive! And there’s plenty of forest left to explore.

Elephant Bird: (quietly) But how long will it last? The humans… they changed everything. When they came, the land began to shift. Our kind… they vanished, one by one.

Dodo: (suddenly serious) Oh… I do remember them. They didn’t understand us, did they? They only took and took, never stopping to listen.

Elephant Bird: (nodding) Yes. They didn’t know the value of what they had until it was too late.

The two continue walking, the dodo now more subdued, reflecting on the elephant bird’s words. As they reach a clearing, they look up at the bright sky, but something feels off. The sky is too clear, too still. Slowly, the realization begins to settle over them.

Dodo: (whispering) Do you think… maybe we’re not… here anymore?

Elephant Bird: (gazing at the empty sky) Perhaps. Perhaps we’re somewhere else. Somewhere beyond.

Dodo: (with a hint of sadness) But how? How did we end up here, without anyone else?

Elephant Bird: (softly) We’re not on Earth anymore. We’re in a place where memories of us still linger. A place where the echoes of our world survive, though we don’t.

The dodo falls silent, their usual cheerfulness replaced by quiet reflection. The two stand in the clearing, side by side, the world around them fading into a misty haze, as if they’re slowly realizing the truth.

Dodo: (sadly) So we’re… gone? Just like that?

Elephant Bird: (nodding) Yes. But even though we’re gone, our story isn’t over. We can still send a message to the world that remains.

Dodo: (brightening slightly) A message? You mean, there’s still hope?

Elephant Bird: (softly) Yes. We may be forgotten, but if our story is told, if the humans can learn from us, maybe others won’t share our fate.

Dodo: (with determination) Then that’s it! We need to tell them! We need to make sure they know—before it’s too late for others.

Elephant Bird: (gazing out into the distance) Yes. It’s not too late for them to learn. Our time has passed, but theirs still exists.

The forest around them begins to shimmer, as if it, too, is just a memory fading away. Yet, despite the sadness of their realization, there is a sense of purpose and hope.

Dodo: (smiling gently) I always liked talking with you, you know. You make things make sense, even when they don’t.

Elephant Bird: (smiling) And I’ve always appreciated your joy. Even in the darkest of times, you never lost it.

Dodo: (thoughtfully) Maybe that’s what we need to give them—a bit of joy, and a bit of wisdom.

Elephant Bird: (nodding) Yes. That’s exactly what they need.

The scene ends with the two standing together, the forest fading into a soft mist, their forms slowly dissolving into the wind. But their message—of loss, wisdom, and hope—lingers in the air, waiting to be heard.

Moral Message:

The story serves as a reminder to humanity that the natural world is fragile and irreplaceable. Through the conversation between the dodo and the elephant bird, we learn that once a species is lost, it can never return. Their extinction serves as a poignant lesson about the consequences of human actions and neglect. 

The message they share emphasizes the need for balance—finding joy in the natural world and respecting it with wisdom. By listening to the voices of the past, we can make better choices for the future, ensuring that other species do not face the same fate. It’s a call to protect the earth and all its creatures before it’s too late.

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Horse (Equine) Art, Pencil on Paper Collection