The Senator: Chapter 12

Chapter 12: The Welcome and the Whisper

Setting: The Senate House, Rome

The Senate House stands as a formidable edifice of marble and stone, its grandeur unaltered by the passage of time. The vast hall within is filled with the hum of voices—senators and statesmen, all gathered for the day's proceedings. The air is thick with the scent of incense and the tension of unspoken agendas. 

Scene: Julius’ Entrance

Julius enters the Senate House, his presence drawing the attention of everyone in the room. His attire, still somewhat travel-worn, contrasts with the pristine togas of the other senators. As he walks down the aisle, there is a noticeable murmur among the gathered officials—some are surprised to see him, others wary, and a few genuinely pleased at his return.

Dialogue: The First Exchange

One of the senior senators, an old ally named Marcus, steps forward to greet Julius.

Marcus: "Julius, it has been too long. The Senate has not been the same without your voice."*

Julius: "Time away from Rome has given me much to ponder, Marcus. But it is good to see familiar faces again."

Marcus leans in closer, his voice lowering to a whisper.

Marcus: "Much has changed since you left, my friend. There are new players in the game, and their intentions are not always clear. You must tread carefully."

Julius: "I intend to observe before I act. The Rome I left may not be the Rome I return to."

Scene: The First Debate

As Julius takes his seat, the Senate session begins. The topic of discussion is a proposed law concerning the expansion of Roman territories—a law backed by several powerful senators. Julius listens intently, his eyes scanning the room, taking in the dynamics of the new political landscape.

One of the younger senators, Lucius, takes the floor, his voice filled with zeal as he argues for the expansion, citing the need for Rome’s dominance to be asserted beyond its current borders.

Lucius: The strength of Rome lies in its ability to conquer and civilize. We must not shy away from the opportunities before us. Expansion is not just an option; it is a necessity."

Julius’ Reaction:

Julius remains silent, observing the responses of the other senators. Some nod in agreement, while others seem hesitant. He notes the subtle alliances forming within the Senate, the quiet nods of agreement, and the exchanged glances that speak volumes. Julius realizes that Rome's power structure is shifting, and he must carefully navigate these new waters.


As the debate continues, Julius reflects on his time away. He has returned to Rome with a renewed sense of purpose, but he also understands that the challenges he now faces are more complex than before. The Senate is a battlefield, not just of ideas but of ambitions, and Julius knows that to succeed, he must be both wise and cautious.


The session concludes with the decision postponed for further deliberation. Julius rises, his thoughts heavy with the weight of what lies ahead. As he exits the Senate House, the whispers of the other senators follow him—some curious, some wary, and some plotting.

Julius steps out into the bustling streets of Rome, the sun setting behind the ancient buildings. The city is alive with energy, but Julius feels the pull of a different kind of power—a power that will require all his cunning and resolve to master.

The Senator


Chapter 1: The Senate's Call

Chapter 2: A Senator's Duties

Chapter 2: A Senator's Duties: Morning Ritual

Chapter 2: A Senator's Duties: Senate Proceedings

Chapter 2: A Senator's Duties: Administrative Duties

Chapter 2: A Senator's Duties: Public Engagements

Chapter 2: A Senator's Duties: Evening Reflection

Chapter 3: The Arranged Union

Chapter 4: Building Bridges

Chapter 5: Strains of Duty and Desire

Chapter 6: The Senator's Dilemma

Chapter 7: The Turning Tide

Chapter 8: The Journey Ahead

Chapter 9: Embracing Change

Chapter 10: A New Beginning

Chapter 11: The Return to Rome

Chapter 12: The Welcome and the Whisper

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Horse (Equine) Art, Pencil on Paper Collection