Mustangs of the Hill Country: Chapter 6

Chapter 6: The Lone Mustang

The wind carried the distant cries of wild Mustangs, echoing over the valley as Savvy and Clay stood side by side. Their eyes were fixed on a single, weathered figure — a lone Mustang, separated from its herd, grazing cautiously at the edge of the plains.

Savvy’s heart ached for the creature. “He’s been on his own for too long,” she murmured.

Clay nodded, the lines of concern etched deeper on his face. “It’s like he doesn’t trust anyone anymore... not even himself.”

They had seen this before: Mustangs, wild and free, suddenly isolated from their kind. The separation brought confusion, fear, and often, distrust of any human who tried to intervene. Yet this Mustang felt different. In a way, it mirrored their own struggle — pulled between the traditions of the past and the possibilities of the future.

The Struggle Begins

As they began working with the Mustang, it became clear that this would not be easy. The horse was wary, skittish, and distant, retreating at the slightest movement. Every approach had to be slow and calculated, requiring all the patience Savvy could muster. It wasn’t just about the Mustang anymore; it felt like a test of their relationship, a reflection of the hurdles they had faced in balancing their own desires with the needs of the community.

There were days when it felt hopeless — when the Mustang’s fear seemed insurmountable, and the frustration crept into their work, testing their resolve. But even on the hardest days, they found solace in each other.

“Let’s try again tomorrow,” Clay would say, offering a hand to Savvy. They would walk back to the barn in the golden light of the setting sun, hands intertwined, a quiet understanding passing between them.

The Breakthrough

Then came the day they had both been waiting for. Savvy stood with a handful of hay, extending her arm cautiously. Clay remained nearby, his presence a steadying force. The Mustang snorted, his muscles tensing as he watched her, but this time, something shifted. Slowly, carefully, he took a step forward.

Time seemed to stand still as the Mustang extended his neck, nostrils flaring as he sniffed the hay. His eyes met Savvy’s, filled with caution yet curiosity. She held her breath, her heart pounding. Then, with a gentle nudge, the Mustang took the hay from her hand.

Clay’s quiet chuckle broke the tension. “He’s finally coming around.”

Savvy exhaled a laugh of relief, her eyes shimmering with emotion. The breakthrough wasn’t just with the Mustang; it was a reminder of the bond she and Clay had strengthened through their trials. Together, they had earned the trust of the Mustang — and in doing so, had solidified their own commitment to one another and their shared vision.

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Horse (Equine) Art, Pencil on Paper Collection