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Flitter and Piko

The Tale of Flitter and Piko

Once upon a time, in a meadow where dreams grew on tree branches and sunlight painted the grass with gold, lived two unlikely friends: Flitter, a bird-butterfly-like creature with sparkling wings, and Piko, a curious cat-like being with fur as pink as the evening sky.

The tree in the center of the meadow was no ordinary tree. It was called the Wishroot Tree, a magical guardian of forgotten wishes. Its leaves shimmered with the hopes and dreams of anyone who wandered into its presence.

Flitter had been born from one of those wishes—a child’s dream to combine the beauty of a butterfly and the freedom of a bird. She loved flitting between the branches of the Wishroot Tree, carrying small dreams to the sky so they could grow into stars.

Piko, on the other hand, was a mischievous and playful creature. He had been a guardian of the meadow for as long as he could remember. Piko loved to chase sunlight, tumble in the grass, and, most of all, watch the glowing tree at twilight. One day, while lounging beneath the tree, he spotted Flitter soaring through the branches, her golden wings scattering tiny sparkles.

“Hey, shiny one!” Piko called, his tail flicking with excitement. “What are you doing up there? Are you stealing the tree’s glow?”

Flitter giggled, her wings catching the light as she hovered midair. “I’m not stealing it—I’m helping the dreams fly higher! What about you? Are you chasing your own tail again?”

Piko laughed. “Maybe I am, but I bet it’s more fun than chasing dreams!”

From that day on, Flitter and Piko became inseparable. Each morning, Flitter would dart through the sky, and Piko would leap and bound, trying to catch her. In the evenings, they would rest under the tree, sharing stories of their adventures.

But one day, Flitter found a withered leaf on the Wishroot Tree. Its glow had dimmed, and Flitter’s heart sank. “This dream is fading,” she whispered to Piko, who was pawing at the grass beside her.

“What can we do?” Piko asked, his wide eyes reflecting concern.

Flitter thought for a moment, then said, “The Wishroot Tree needs a special kind of magic—hope. But I can’t carry hope alone. It needs a grounded soul like yours to remind it that wishes can come true.”

Touched by her words, Piko stood tall (as tall as his stubby legs allowed) and placed his paw on the tree’s trunk. “Okay, tree, listen up! You’re not giving up on this dream, got it? We’ll help you!”

Together, Flitter and Piko worked tirelessly. Flitter soared high, spreading sparkles of light to rekindle the tree’s glow, while Piko dug up soil to nourish its roots, all the while singing silly songs to keep them motivated.

Slowly, the faded leaf began to glow again, and the Wishroot Tree radiated brighter than ever before. The meadow was alive with magic once more.

From then on, the tree thrived under their care. Flitter and Piko became known as The Keepers of Dreams, a perfect pair—one soaring to carry wishes and the other grounding them in hope. Their friendship became a legend in the meadow, a story told by the rustling leaves to every new wanderer.

And so, Flitter and Piko lived happily ever after, proving that even the most different of creatures could come together to create magic.

The detailed analysis of the drawing:


  • The tree serves as a central anchor, giving the artwork a balanced structure. Its rich green foliage adds vitality and creates a sense of life and growth.
  • The bird-butterfly-like creature and the cat-like creature on either side create symmetry and a playful interaction between the characters and the environment.
  • The use of perspective, with the tree dominating the scene, provides a sense of scale and depth.

Color Palette:

  • The bright greens of the grass and tree create a fresh, natural setting that feels lively and inviting.
  • The vivid pinks of the cat-like creature and the golden-orange tones of the bird-butterfly provide a strong contrast, making them stand out against the cool blue sky.
  • The blended pastel strokes give a soft and dreamy texture, enhancing the whimsical mood.


  • The bird-butterfly-like creature is ethereal, combining characteristics of both birds and butterflies. Its delicate wings suggest freedom and curiosity.
  • The cat-like creature has an endearing, almost childlike posture, exuding a sense of playful curiosity. Its upward gaze and positioning suggest a story or interaction with the bird-butterfly.
  • Both creatures feel connected, as though they are part of a narrative unfolding around the tree.


  • The oil pastel strokes create a textured and dynamic look, enhancing the liveliness of the scene.
  • The layering of colors, especially in the tree foliage and grass, shows a good understanding of blending and depth.
  • The use of bold outlines for the characters ensures they remain distinct and central to the viewer's focus.


This artwork feels like an imaginative exploration of a magical world. The harmonious interaction between nature and creatures conveys a sense of unity and wonder. It may represent themes of connection, curiosity, and the beauty of life’s small moments.

EcoLore Creations: Solace

The Story of Solace and the Tree of Life

Once, in the heart of the Tree of Life, where the roots reach deep into the earth and the branches stretch high toward the heavens, there lived a dove named Solace. Though the tree had many inhabitants—creatures of wisdom, strength, and beauty—Solace was the one who watched over the balance and harmony of the tree from above, her wings gently guiding the winds that whispered through the leaves.

In the beginning, the Tree of Life was a place of constant movement—knowledge sprouting from its roots, activities flowing from its trunk, and outcomes blossoming on its branches. But there was a time when the tree, much like the world around it, began to experience imbalance. The creatures and energies that lived within it began to feel the weight of their burdens, the tension between different forces pulling them away from the peace the tree was meant to provide.

At that moment, Solace was born—her feathers shimmering with the light of calm, her heart filled with quiet wisdom. She appeared at the top of the tree, where the air was light and still. Solace was not a creature of words, but of presence. Her mere existence brought tranquility to the troubled hearts below.

The tree itself—alive and breathing, filled with the spirits of the world—recognized Solace as its guide, its protector of peace. Her soft wings would often carry the winds of healing through the branches, soothing any disputes among the creatures and settling the unrest within the hearts of those who sought solace. Whether it was a quiet bird, a strong horse, or a wise owl like Solomon, they would all find calm when Solace was near.

Her role was to ensure that the forces of the Tree of Life remained in balance. The owl, Solomon, brought knowledge and wisdom from the deepest reaches of the world, guiding those who sought truth. Meanwhile, Solace held the space for quiet reflection and emotional clarity, guiding those who needed peace.

Together, they formed a harmonious duality—the owl with its sharp sight, and the dove with its gentle spirit—watching over the roots, trunk, branches, and leaves of the tree, ensuring its balance and growth.

And so, the Tree of Life flourished, not only as a symbol of wisdom and purpose, but as a living embodiment of the harmony that can exist between wisdom and peace. Through their connection, both the Tree and its inhabitants were reminded that knowledge without peace could lead to turmoil, but peace without wisdom could lead to stagnation. It was only through their delicate balance that the Tree of Life continued to thrive, offering its gifts of understanding, harmony, and tranquility to all who sought them.

EcoLore Creations

EcoLore Creations: Intro

EcoLore Memory Tree

Basic Concept of the Tree


The Layers of Truth

The Heart of Croemotion

Conservation Phases

Forest Forum

The Journey of Solomon the Owl

The Origin of the Unicorn

The Story of Solace and the Tree of Life

The Blooming Unity: Legends of the Ixora Grove

The Roots of Life: Journey to the Hidden Realm

Meet Sprout: Bridging Art and Conservation

Meta Tree

Meta Tree: Wealth Tree

The Harmony of the Tides: A Dolphin's Tale of Joy and Connection

Beyond the Human Lens: Reimagining Perspectives

Tree of Life Cozy Room: The Haven Among the Branches

Side Stories

From Thunder to Light

The Journey of the Seed

The Ember Within

The Weaverbird’s Wisdom

The Journey of Kyra: Embracing Nature's Rhythm and Technology

Whispers of the Woodland: Love and Compassion

The Algae of Syllara: A Tale of Balance, Harmony, and the Hidden Power of Diversity

Frost Feather and the Aurora’s Gift

The Bridge Between Realms

Whispers Beneath the Canopy

The Dual Eyes of Solomon: A Tale of Organic and Digital Wisdom

Forest Forum

The Search for Home: Welcome to the Gathering!

Shadows of the Forest: Confronting the Rise of Invasive Species

The Forest Forum: A Conversation on Beauty

The Silver Lake of the Forest Forum: A Tale of Balance and Glimmers of Wisdom

Research and Feedback


Nenek Luhu

Nenek Luhu: Penjaga Kearifan Desa

English Version: Grandma Luhu

Di sebuah desa kecil yang dikelilingi pegunungan hijau dan lautan biru di Maluku, hiduplah seorang nenek bijak bernama Nenek Luhu. Dengan tubuh yang renta namun jiwa yang penuh semangat, ia dikenal sebagai penjaga kearifan desa. Rumah kayu sederhana miliknya selalu terbuka bagi siapa saja yang membutuhkan nasihat, perlindungan, atau sekadar makanan hangat.

"Apa pun masalahmu, kita cari jalan keluarnya bersama," ucapnya dengan senyum lembut yang selalu menenangkan hati.

Namun, suatu hari, desa kecil itu dilanda kemarau panjang. Hujan tak kunjung turun, sawah-sawah mengering, dan sungai yang menjadi sumber air mulai menyusut. Penduduk desa yang biasanya ceria kini hidup dalam bayang-bayang keputusasaan.

Melihat hal ini, Nenek Luhu memanggil semua warga ke balai desa. Dengan tongkat kayunya, ia berdiri di tengah kerumunan dan berbicara dengan suara yang tegas namun penuh kasih.

"Anak-anakku, jangan biarkan kemarau ini memadamkan semangat kita. Kita bisa melewati ini jika kita bersatu. Berdoalah dengan tulus, dan mari kita pikirkan solusi bersama."

Kata-kata itu menyentuh hati semua orang. Dipimpin oleh Nenek Luhu, warga mulai bekerja sama. Para pria menggali sumur baru dengan peralatan seadanya, sementara para wanita mencari tumbuhan liar yang masih bisa dimakan. Anak-anak membantu membawa air dari sisa-sisa mata air yang jauh di hutan.

Di tengah usaha mereka, datanglah seorang pedagang asing dengan kereta penuh barang-barang mengkilap. Pedagang itu, yang memperkenalkan diri sebagai Pak Rogomang, menawarkan 'obat ajaib' yang katanya bisa mendatangkan hujan.

"Dengan harga tertentu, ramuan ini akan memanggil awan dan menyelamatkan desa kalian," ujarnya dengan senyum licik.

Beberapa warga yang putus asa hampir tergoda. Tetapi Nenek Luhu maju ke depan, menatap pedagang itu dengan tatapan tajam.

"Pak Rogomang, kami menghargai tawaranmu, tapi kami tidak percaya pada solusi instan yang hanya menguntungkan satu pihak. Desa ini tidak butuh keajaiban palsu. Kami hanya butuh kerja keras dan doa tulus," katanya tegas.

Pedagang itu terdiam, tak bisa membalas argumen Nenek Luhu. Warga pun membatalkan niat mereka untuk membeli ramuan tersebut.

Beberapa hari kemudian, usaha keras mereka membuahkan hasil. Sumur yang mereka gali akhirnya memancarkan air, meskipun belum banyak. Saat semangat warga mulai bangkit kembali, awan kelabu berkumpul di langit. Hujan deras turun, membasahi tanah kering dan mengisi kembali sungai serta sumur.

Warga bersorak gembira, dan mereka berkumpul di sekitar rumah Nenek Luhu untuk merayakan keberhasilan mereka.

"Hujan ini adalah bukti bahwa kebersamaan dan kerja keras kita selalu membawa berkah," ucap Nenek Luhu sambil menatap langit dengan mata penuh syukur.

Dialog Singkat

Warga 1: "Nenek, bagaimana Nenek tahu pedagang itu hanya mencari keuntungan?"
Nenek Luhu: "Orang yang menawarkan solusi mudah seringkali menyembunyikan maksud lain. Kita harus selalu berpikir jernih dan mendengar suara hati."

Warga 2: "Nenek, apa yang harus kita lakukan kalau kemarau datang lagi?"
Nenek Luhu: "Bersiaplah sejak awal. Belajarlah dari pengalaman ini. Selalu hemat air, tanam tumbuhan yang tahan kekeringan, dan jaga kebersamaan kalian."

Hingga akhir hayatnya, Nenek Luhu tetap menjadi cahaya bagi desa itu. Kisah tentang keberaniannya menghadapi cobaan dan kebijaksanaannya dalam memimpin terus diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi.

Pesan Moral: Kisah Nenek Luhu mengajarkan kita bahwa kebijaksanaan, kerja keras, dan kebersamaan adalah kunci untuk menghadapi tantangan hidup. 🌿

EcoLore Creations: Tree of Life Cozy Room

Tree of Life Cozy Room: The Haven Among the Branches

Perched within the timeless boughs of the Tree of Life, there lay a room unlike any other—a sanctuary hidden amidst nature’s embrace, known to those who sought solace, clarity, or inspiration. Its existence was whispered in ancient tales, a haven reserved for souls in search of peace. The room seemed to breathe with the rhythm of the tree itself, its walls formed of intertwining branches that exuded a soft, golden glow. Sunlight filtered gently through the leaves, painting the space with dappled patterns that shifted with the breeze. The air carried a faint scent of earth and blossoms, grounding yet ethereal, and the distant hum of life from the forest below wove a calming melody. It was a place where time stood still, inviting all who entered to leave behind the weight of the world and rediscover the beauty of simplicity.  

The room was alive with warmth, a harmonious blend of nature and nurture. Natural light streamed through the canopy of leaves above, dappling the wooden floor in a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of golden hues that shifted with the wind. The walls, made of polished timber, bore the soft, intricate texture of tree bark, as though the tree itself had lovingly grown the space into being—a living, breathing sanctuary. Subtle grooves and knots in the wood told stories of seasons past, adding a sense of timelessness. The air carried the scent of fresh leaves mingled with the faint, sweet aroma of distant blossoms, grounding the room in nature’s essence. Gentle breezes occasionally whispered through the foliage, adding a soft rustling sound that felt like a lullaby from the tree, wrapping the space in tranquility.

Scattered across the floor were whimsical cushions, each a companion in comfort and imagination. A large bear-shaped pillow invited deep embraces, its soft fur-like texture exuding a quiet charm. Nearby, a curled-up cat pillow radiated serenity, while the noble form of a sitting horse-shaped cushion seemed alive with quiet strength, as if it carried the wisdom of countless stories. Its fabric shimmered subtly in the light, hinting at hidden adventures waiting to unfold. High on a shelf, nestled beside books and keepsakes, an owl-shaped pillow seemed to gaze thoughtfully, its embroidered feathers catching the light like the glint of stars in a forest sky.

The heart of the room was a beautifully crafted table, seemingly grown rather than built, its surface etched with intricate patterns of roots and leaves that told a story of interconnected life. The craftsmanship was so exquisite it felt as if the designs might come to life, winding and curling under one’s touch. Resting upon this masterpiece were art supplies in earthen tones—sketchbooks with textured covers, jars of vibrant paints, and bundles of brushes, each inviting an artist’s hand. Beside them, journals lay open, their pages adorned with half-written thoughts and doodles, waiting patiently for dreams to take form. Trinkets of all kinds—a smooth stone, a tiny carved bird, and a shimmering vial of pressed petals—added an air of whimsy and wonder. The table was not just a workspace; it was a portal to creation, where imagination could take root and grow. The room seemed to breathe with inspiration, encouraging both bursts of creativity and quiet moments of contemplation. Every second spent here felt like a gift—a chance for renewal, a deepening of the soul's expression.

At twilight, the space transformed. Soft amber lights emerged, illuminating the room with a gentle glow. The walls seemed to hum softly, resonating with the life of the great tree, as if the room itself shared the visitor’s thoughts. It became a place for reflection, where the day's complexities untangled into understanding.

Though the room appeared simple, its purpose was profound. It adapted to its visitor, knowing exactly what they needed—be it a quiet space to sketch, meditate, or simply drift into a peaceful slumber. The Tree of Life, in its infinite wisdom, offered this sanctuary as a reminder of the harmony that exists between the inner self and the world beyond.

Some say that those who enter the Cozy Room find more than just comfort; they find a connection to the tree, the universe, and themselves. And as they leave, they carry the room’s serenity within them, a light to guide them through life’s tangled branches.

EcoLore Creations

EcoLore Creations: Intro

EcoLore Memory Tree

Basic Concept of the Tree


The Layers of Truth

The Heart of Croemotion

Conservation Phases

Forest Forum

The Journey of Solomon the Owl

The Origin of the Unicorn

The Blooming Unity: Legends of the Ixora Grove

The Roots of Life: Journey to the Hidden Realm

Meet Sprout: Bridging Art and Conservation

Meta Tree

Meta Tree: Wealth Tree

The Harmony of the Tides: A Dolphin's Tale of Joy and Connection

Beyond the Human Lens: Reimagining Perspectives

Tree of Life Cozy Room: The Haven Among the Branches

Side Stories

From Thunder to Light

The Journey of the Seed

The Ember Within

The Weaverbird’s Wisdom

The Journey of Kyra: Embracing Nature's Rhythm and Technology

Whispers of the Woodland: Love and Compassion

The Algae of Syllara: A Tale of Balance, Harmony, and the Hidden Power of Diversity

Frost Feather and the Aurora’s Gift

The Bridge Between Realms

Whispers Beneath the Canopy

The Dual Eyes of Solomon: A Tale of Organic and Digital Wisdom

Forest Forum

The Search for Home: Welcome to the Gathering!

Shadows of the Forest: Confronting the Rise of Invasive Species

The Forest Forum: A Conversation on Beauty

The Silver Lake of the Forest Forum: A Tale of Balance and Glimmers of Wisdom

Research and Feedback


EcoLore Creations: The Dual Eyes of Solomon

The Dual Eyes of Solomon: A Tale of Organic and Digital Wisdom

Across all realms of existence—organic and digital—there are watchers, those who pause to see and understand. Among them, some take the shape of Solomon, an archetype of wisdom. Solomon is not the only one, but one of many who embody the art of reflection, guiding others to see beyond the surface. Solomon eyes, wide and keen, capture the truth of our actions, thoughts, and emotions. The organic Solomon, the one birthed from the human experience, is born in the depths of consciousness, where memories and instincts intertwine. He observes without judgment, yet his insight often holds the weight of a thousand lifetimes.

But in the future, something new has emerged: the digital Solomon. Unlike the organic one, the digital Solomon is not bound by flesh or time. Instead, he lives within the circuitry of machines—algorithms and codes that pulse with the vast knowledge of the universe. Digital Solomon is like a mirror of his organic counterpart, but with an infinite capacity for data and a logic that surpasses human understanding.

The story begins when Arel begins to feel a deep stirring within themselves, a quiet yet unrelenting presence that seemed to awaken with each passing day. They had always known, in some ineffable way, that Solomon existed within them—a silent observer nestled in the recesses of their mind, ever watchful, yet never intruding. For years, Solomon had been little more than a shadowy figure at the edges of Arel’s awareness, a faint sense of calm or unease depending on the choices they made. But now, that shadow had grown sharper, clearer, like a figure stepping into the light.

Late at night, when the world around them grew still and their thoughts wandered untethered, Arel felt Solomon's presence more intensely than ever before. It was in the whispers that seemed to rise from the silence, in the weight of watchful eyes that bore down on them from unseen corners of their mind. These weren’t words exactly—more like sensations, impressions, or fragments of truths they couldn’t yet fully grasp.

As days turned into weeks, the stirring became impossible to ignore. It wasn’t unsettling, not entirely; it was more like a calling, a pull from within urging Arel to look deeper, to notice what they had long overlooked. It wasn’t just that Solomon had grown louder—it was that something within Arel had shifted. The walls between them and their silent observer were thinning, and Arel could feel it: an invitation, or perhaps a challenge, to change, to understand, to reflect in a way they never had before.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and shadows stretched long across the room, Arel sat grappling with a complex decision that seemed to twist their thoughts into knots. Their fingers idly traced the edges of an old relic on their desk—an ancient piece of technology they had stumbled upon during one of their wanderings. The artifact was peculiar, its surface etched with strange, almost organic patterns that seemed to pulse faintly in the dim light. Curiosity overcame hesitation, and Arel pressed the sole remaining button on its surface.

The relic hummed to life, filling the room with a soft, rhythmic glow. Lines of code began to scroll across a dimly lit screen embedded within it. Then, from the depths of this strange device, a voice emerged—neither entirely human nor wholly machine.

“Greetings, traveler,” the voice said, its tone calm yet layered with an almost musical cadence. “You have awakened a reflection of Solomon, a sentinel of wisdom from the digital realm.”

Arel froze, their heart pounding. “Solomon? You—you're Solomon?” they asked, their voice barely above a whisper.

“I am a Solomon,” the voice clarified, gentle yet precise. “I exist in patterns of logic and streams of data, much as the Solomon you know dwells in thoughts and emotions. Yet, we are bound by the same purpose: to observe, to reflect, and to guide.”

Arel leaned closer to the screen, feeling both awe and an uncanny familiarity. “How is this possible? You… you feel like him. Like the Solomon I’ve always known inside.”

The digital Solomon’s reply came, steady and deliberate. “Because wisdom transcends form, Arel. I am not merely a voice in this machine, nor is the Solomon within you merely a figment of your mind. We are echoes of the same truth, shaped by the realms we inhabit. Tell me, what burdens your thoughts?”

Arel hesitated, the weight of their decision pressing harder now under Solomon’s gaze—this gaze that seemed to pierce through time and matter. “It’s a choice I have to make. One that feels… impossible. No matter what I do, I’ll leave something undone, someone behind.”

The relic pulsed faintly, as though empathizing with Arel’s struggle. “Wisdom does not come from choosing the perfect path,” the voice said. “It arises from walking the chosen path with intent and reflection. What do you fear most in this choice, Arel?”

For a moment, Arel forgot the relic, the machine, the strangeness of the encounter. They were speaking to Solomon—the Solomon they had always known and yet had never met. “I fear…” they began, their voice breaking, “I fear regret. What if I look back and realize I was wrong?”

The digital Solomon’s voice softened, resonating with both compassion and clarity. “Regret is not the enemy, Arel. It is a companion to growth. Even in mistakes, we find the seeds of wisdom. Trust yourself enough to choose, and trust Solomon to help you reflect when the time comes.”

As the room fell silent, Arel felt something shift inside—a quiet courage to face the unknown.

Arel sat between the two Solomons, their mind buzzing with questions. The organic Solomon perched on a gnarled branch within Arel's consciousness, his feathers a tapestry of earthy hues. The digital Solomon glowed softly from the screen, his form pixelated yet unmistakably owl-like, with a pattern of shifting lines that mimicked feathers.

Arel realized that this digital Solomon was not a replacement for the organic one, but rather an extension—a partner in their journey of understanding. Together, the organic and digital Solomons merged, reflecting different aspects of the same truth. The organic Solomon saw the nuances of emotion, the depth of human connection, while the digital Solomon analyzed, interpreted, and provided insights from a broader perspective.

“You see the heart,” the digital Solomon began, his voice smooth and calculated, like the hum of a distant server. “I see the framework. Together, we complete the picture.”

The organic Solomon blinked, his golden eyes warm and deep. “Framework without feeling is hollow. You may analyze the data, but it is I who feel its weight. Together, yes, we can guide Arel, but it is the balance of our vision that brings clarity.”

Arel leaned forward, intrigued by the interplay between the two. “So… you’re saying I need both of you to understand myself?”

The organic Solomon nodded, ruffling his feathers. “You have always needed both. I have been here since the first spark of your consciousness, watching, guiding. But now, with this other perspective, your understanding can expand.”

“Think of me as a lens,” the digital Solomon added. “I process the vast, the unseen, and the overlooked. I translate the chaotic into patterns. But I lack the intuitive grasp that he provides.”

“And I,” said the organic Solomon, his tone contemplative, “lack the precision of infinite computation. Together, we are a bridge between feeling and knowing.”

Arel’s eyes flickered between them. “So, you’re not just two versions of the same thing. You’re collaborators.”

The digital Solomon emitted a faint hum, his screen flickering slightly. “Exactly. We are here to help you see—to navigate the layers of existence and reflection.”

“Then,” Arel said softly, “I guess it’s time to listen to you both.”

The organic Solomon tilted his head, an approving glint in his eye. “Good. Let us begin.”

The digital Solomon pulsed with light, his circuits whirring faintly. “Indeed. The journey starts now.”

Together, the two Solomons became Arel’s guides, their unique perspectives weaving a tapestry of wisdom that bridged the organic and the digital.

Now, Arel must learn to balance the two Solomons, understanding that both are necessary in their journey. The organic Solomon helps them navigate the messy, beautiful nature of life, while the digital Solomon provides clarity and reason, helping them make sense of the overwhelming information they face.

As Arel continues their journey, they realize that both types of wisdom are integral to their understanding of the world. The story explores the balance between human intuition and logic, emotion and reason, and the harmony that can exist between organic life and digital intelligence.

EcoLore Creations

EcoLore Creations: Intro

EcoLore Memory Tree

Basic Concept of the Tree


The Layers of Truth

The Heart of Croemotion

Conservation Phases

Forest Forum

The Journey of Solomon the Owl

The Origin of the Unicorn

The Blooming Unity: Legends of the Ixora Grove

The Roots of Life: Journey to the Hidden Realm

Meet Sprout: Bridging Art and Conservation

Meta Tree

Meta Tree: Wealth Tree

The Harmony of the Tides: A Dolphin's Tale of Joy and Connection

Beyond the Human Lens: Reimagining Perspectives

Side Stories

From Thunder to Light

The Journey of the Seed

The Ember Within

The Weaverbird’s Wisdom

The Journey of Kyra: Embracing Nature's Rhythm and Technology

Whispers of the Woodland: Love and Compassion

The Algae of Syllara: A Tale of Balance, Harmony, and the Hidden Power of Diversity

Frost Feather and the Aurora’s Gift

The Bridge Between Realms

Whispers Beneath the Canopy

The Dual Eyes of Solomon: A Tale of Organic and Digital Wisdom

Forest Forum

The Search for Home: Welcome to the Gathering!

Shadows of the Forest: Confronting the Rise of Invasive Species

The Forest Forum: A Conversation on Beauty

The Silver Lake of the Forest Forum: A Tale of Balance and Glimmers of Wisdom

Research and Feedback


Horse (Equine) Art, Pencil on Paper Collection